Midway Island Dining Facility UM

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Sand Island, Midway Atoll, Peters, Kleinere Inselbesitzungen der Vereinigten Staaten
Kontakter telefon: +246
Latitude: 28.211845, Longitude: -177.3746342
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Kommentar 5

  • Greenius6



    Lovely atmosphere. Especially enjoyed the local mushrooms. Would recommend to a friend or a collegaue

  • Fred Wang

    Fred Wang


    Best food ever! These guys really make great dogs. Highly rate it to friends to come here to eat breakfast

  • Bryan Rekowski

    Bryan Rekowski


    Unbelievable food, but at a loss of words (as clearly were the owners) for why this was named 'Midway Island Dining Facility' like some prison kitchen. This was hardly the case, the staff were wonderful and the chef is fierce. Come to find out he owned a small cafe in Stalingrad but had to flee in August of 1942 while the city was at siege during World War 2. He has a scar over his left eye speaks mainly in riddles. Twice a day he freaks out and starts throwing knives and tells everyone to get into the bomb shelter but after a quick hypodermic needle to the neck he's back at cooking his brats ans cabbage. His best meal is the eggs florentine, no idea how he poaches them with such grace. But the name of this restaurant is horrific. Deserves much better maybe, Quit Stalin or Chocolate Putin.

  • John David

    John David


    The breakfast chow after morning PT was pretty good, but they will only serve you one meat and one starch. The biscuits with sos and over easy eggs were great, but the mess sergeant wouldn’t let me get the hash browns or bacon that I really wanted also. Bummer, but still not too bad.

  • Kenth Rholan Pollicar

    Kenth Rholan Pollicar


    Wish i can live or work here with Penn and Okuma

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