Captain Brook's Pub US

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Sand Island, Midway Atoll, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, USA
Kontakter telefon: +246
Latitude: 28.2173121, Longitude: -177.3777673
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Kommentar 5

  • Jacob McGee

    Jacob McGee


    we stopped here training exercise

  • Charles Screechowl

    Charles Screechowl


    On the trail of KellyWise........Love ya Midway Atoll!!!!!!!

  • Bryan Rekowski

    Bryan Rekowski


    Not a place on this earth where you'll hear better stories or get a stronger shot of Absinthe (wormwood stuff not the fake). Captain Brooks aka Penny Squabbles will fight just about anyone at anytime and he only wraastles as he calls it. You could be having a quiet talk about the opium dens of the Orient and week-long benders waking up in a bonzai tree then all of a sudden the table flips he's on top of ya and the rest of the bar is singing a deep sailors song. This place is rowdy and the stories are sketchy. Every story ends with a song and I have no clue how they stay in business because nobody ever pays and the cash register is always emptied to bet on Captain Brook's wraaastlin.

  • Alex Carvalho

    Alex Carvalho


    Great place! Show up early or expect no seats after 6pm. it gets really busy... like New York busy. Coke was a bit flat in my drink.. reason for 3 stars.

  • Volkan S

    Volkan S


    Eine Seerobe, wo Google gleich ein Foto machte?

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